Steve Hynd, a.k.a. Cernig, is a forty-something ex-pat Scotsman living in the USA with his redheaded wife and a "hers, mine and ours" family. His degree is in Philosophy but he ended up having a career in new business development, mostly within the fire and accident insurance industry. Go figure. He's been a correspondent at Lloyd's of London for over 15 years as well as a current stint as an independent management consultant where he concentrates on worker-management rather than process-management issues.
Cernig is from a "political" family with a coal mining background - three of his uncles were senior in the regional Labour party in Scotland and his father was treasurer for the area Scottish National party. With those kinds of antecedents, it's no surprise that his politics are very much of the democratic socialist variety - which means even folks the US Right thinks are very Left are to the Right of his own political stance. About the only US politician he could happily vote for is Bernie Saunders.
His abiding interest is foreign policy - or to be precise the domestic policy that America inflicts on foreigners - as a citizen of the wider world in which the U.S. isn't an object of patriotic passion, just the biggest kid on the block.
He loves cats, Terry Pratchett books, sunsets and blogging.
Steve is also the Editor in Chief of the Agonist.